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Annual Meeting & Board of Director Elections

members meeting for board elections

As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, we hold our Annual Meeting and Board of Director Elections each spring. Our 2025 Annual Meeting and Board Elections will be held on April 15, 2025.

Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is the governing body that represents the collective voice of our membership. They’re responsible for the overall conduct, strategic direction, and stability of the Credit Union.

Purpose of the Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to hear from the Board of Directors and Credit Union leadership about strategic and financial matters of the organization. Additionally, it involves electing Board Member candidates to open Board positions. Wellby Financial members are considered owners of our organization, and we encourage you to be a part of the Annual Meeting process.

Election Process
Per Wellby’s bylaws, the election is conducted through an application process. Nominees are selected by the Nominating Committee or by petition. The Nominating Committee names at least one nominee for each position available, and the results will be announced at the Annual Meeting.

2025 Election
This year, three Board positions are available, all of which hold a three-year term. Applications will close on December 27, 2024.

The election will not be conducted by ballot when only one member is nominated for each position to be filled. There will be no nominations from the floor, and the Board Chair may take a voice vote or declare each nominee elected by general consent or acclamation at the Annual Meeting.