Save Money with a Lower Mortgage Rate on a 10-Year ARM

An Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) gives you flexibility and more buying power to own your dream home

At Wellby, we know you want a mortgage rate that works for your budget, so you can make the home of your dreams a reality.

We believe everyone should be able to enjoy home ownership. We understand buying a home can be overwhelming, especially with mortgage rates on the rise. In the current environment, it may feel like buying isn’t an option or that you may have to settle for a home that’s not the perfect fit.

Good news, though! Rates on the rise don’t necessarily translate to less buying power.

To help you secure the right financing with terms that fit your needs, Wellby offers adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) that offer lower initial rates than traditional fixed-rate mortgages.

An ARM locks in your initial rate for up to 10 years before it starts to adjust, saving you money on your early monthly payments and giving you more room in your budget.

Here's how Wellby can help:

  1. Complete a mortgage application to determine pre-approval.
  2. A Wellby mortgage specialist will contact you to discuss your information and options.
  3. We'll be there to guide you through the process of becoming a new homeowner.

Don’t miss out on your homeownership dream! Stop feeling uncertain about your journey to homeownership.

Instead, feel confident that you have a trusted partner guiding you every step of the way, working with you to find the best solution for your financial goals.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Rates

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Adjustable Rate Mortgages are variable, and your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) may increase after the original fixed-rate period. 


Qualifying rates may depend on your credit rating, combined loan-to-value, amount financed, and other factors. Your actual rate may be higher than those shown based on information relating to these factors as determined after applying. Your final APR may vary based upon customary fees and closing costs, which are treatable as interest when calculating your final APR. Rates and terms are subject to change without prior notice; other restrictions may apply.

An Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) is a mortgage with an interest rate that can change periodically based on the Prime Rate index. ARMs are variable, and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) may increase after the original fixed-rate period.

Please speak with a Wellby mortgage specialist for more details.

JSC Federal Credit Union does business as Wellby Financial ("Wellby Financial" or "Wellby"). By doing business with Wellby Financial, you acknowledge that you are doing business with JSC Federal Credit Union. This offer is subject to membership eligibility. You are eligible if you live, work, worship, attend school, or do business in the Greater Houston Metro or Galveston area. You can also join Wellby if you are an employee or member of one of the 2,000+ companies, organizations, churches, homeowners’ associations, or areas of community service in our field of membership or are an American Consumer Council member. You may also be eligible to join if you are an immediate family member or live in the same household as a current Wellby member.